Our purpose as missionaries is to invite everyone to come unto Christ! It's an amazing opportunity to help people get help and happiness from our Savior. I know by my own experience through prayer that the gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone and everyone who is willing to come unto Him through
Faith on his name (believing the Savior is the Son of God and acting on that belief
James 1:5,
The resurrected Savior exiting the tomb after 3 days |
Repentance (Making the neccessary changes in our lives to become more like Him),
Savior paying the price for our sins |
Baptism (
John 3:5) for the remission of sins (we can have all the mistakes we've made in our past washed away because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us)
Savior being baptized by Priesthood power by John the Baptist |
by someone holding the priesthood authority of God (
Hebrews 5:4 - The Priesthood is restored! A Prophet is called of God today!),
Savior using Priesthood power to Heal a blind man |
recieving the gift of the
Holy Ghost (After baptism we can have the spirit of God with us to guide us and help us make correct choices -
Galatians 5:22-23), and
enduring to the end (We must continue to do our best to do God's will, continually repenting and making changes in our life for the better with His help)
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