Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why Do We Have To Keep All the Commandments?

The right to choose is one of the greatest gifts our Father in Heaven has given us.  It gives us the ability to choose right or wrong.  We can choose to keep the commandments or we can not.  When we choose to disobey we are turning away from our Savior, Jesus Christ, and denying the gifts he so desperately wants to give to us.  When we choose the right we open the door for Christ to bless us.  I know it can be hard to keep the commandments sometimes, but we must realize that giving up some of our time or effort to keep a commandments is like paying a dollar for a Farrari (but better)!  The blessings far outweigh the payment.

Moses with the Ten Commandments

We also come to keep the commandments out of love.  When we begin to recognize all the things our Heavenly Father has given us we grow to love Him back.  He is our Father.  The father of our spirits.  As a father He cares for us infinitely.  Nothing can stop Him from loving us. No matter how often we turn away from Him he is always there to welcome us back into His arms.
  • 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  • 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)
One of the ways God has shown His love for each of us is through His son, Jesus Christ. 
He is at the door. Will we go and open it?

God wants us to be the happiest we can be while becoming the best that we can become (just as a father would).  He knows the way for each of us to attain the greatest happiness and our full potential.  He gave His son to show us this 'way' (John 14:6), and that is where the commandments come in.  They are they 'way' to the most happiness and each of our greatest potentials.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Find the Savior in Everything

You might ask, "What does this cake have to do with anything? What does recognizing the Savior and his teachings have to do with this?" Well let me explain. 
I made this cake based off of writings of a prophet found in the Book of Mormon.  In the book of Alma, chapter 50, we find a great military leader named Moroni building up fortifications for the cities of his people, the Nephites, so that when their enemies, the Lamanites, attacked, the people would be able to defend themselves. 
We are challenged to look for the Savior and his teachings in all things, so lets find him in this situation.

  • 1 And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparations for war, or to defend his people against the Lamanites; for he caused that his armies should commence in the commencement of the twentieth year of the reign of the judges, that they should commence in digging up aheaps of earth round about all the cities, throughout all the land which was possessed by the Nephites.
 These 'heaps of earth' could represent how the Savior teaches us to avoid sin.  When we avoid sin we make it hard for temptation to even get to our doors (hence the steep heaps of earth).
  •  2 And upon the top of these ridges of earth he caused that there should be atimbers, yea, works of timbers built up to the height of a man, round about the cities.
 Perhaps these 'works of timbers' are a solid decision to follow Jesus Christ's example, so when temptations come, we've already decided to keep them out.
  •  3 And he caused that upon those works of timbers there should be a frame of pickets built upon the timbers round about; and they were strong and high.
 Sometimes temptations get a little tempting, and they start creeping over our 'works of timbers,' and our decisions to avoid them.  When this happens we must remember the wise council council of King Benjamin in Mosiah 4:30 when he said -
    • watch yourselves, and your bthoughts, and your cwords, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and dcontinue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord
 - for when we keep watch by setting a 'frame of pickets' around our spiritual defenses, we can recognize sin a-creeping and fight it off.
  •  4 And he caused towers to be erected that overlooked those works of pickets, and he caused places of security to be built upon those atowers, that the stones and the arrows of the Lamanites could not hurt them.
Our 'places of security' can be found in the scriptures, at church, in sincere prayer with Heavenly Father, and so many other places.  Whenever we are away from the worldly junk that often fills our lives, we can find safety in the Savior's arms.
  •  5 And they were prepared that they could cast stones from the top thereof, according to their pleasure and their strength, and slay him who should attempt to approach near the walls of the city.

When we have spiritually prepared we can use the power we gained from our time devoted to God to, not only defend, but push back temptation making it less effective in our lives.  This is where I found the Savior most, Because he makes our weaknesses strong when we turn to him.  He will make temptation less effective by spiritually 'cast[ing] stones from the top,' if we will but allow him to through our own preparation.
  •  6 Thus Moroni did prepare strongholds against the coming of their enemies, round about every city in all the land.
We should work to build up our testimonies in every part of the gospel.  The Book of Mormon is called the keystone of our religion for a reason.  Pray about it.  Ask our Father in Heaven if it is true.  I know it is true because I have done this, and it's changed my life.  I know it can and will change yours if you will let it, for the teachings of the Savior can be found on every page.  We just have to seek them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Do We Need to Go to Church?

 I know it's hard to wake up and get out the door each Sunday, but it can be soo rewarding!  The scriptures give a few of the benefits of the structure of the church.

12 For the aperfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the bedifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the aunity of the faith, and of the bknowledge of the Son of God, unto a cperfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more achildren, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of bdoctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the atruth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the bhead, even Christ: 

All LDS church buildings welcome visitors
Jesus Christ established the true church on the Earth when we came, as recorded in the New Testament.  That church has been restored in it's original form, under the direction of Jesus Christ through a prophet.  The same structure exists now as did then - 'bapostles; and some, cprophets; and some, devangelists; and some, epastors and fteachers;' (Ephesians 4: 11)
When we are taught by the spirit through these leaders, we are progressing along the road toward salvation.  At church: we get the blessings of the perfecting of the saints, we learn of the savior and his sacrifice, we become united in faith and knowledge, and we stop being tossed like children between doctrines.  
We go to church to partake of the sacrament which after baptism is a renewal of our promise with Heavenly Father that we will follow Him, and in return He promises us the companionship of the Holy Ghost always to lead, guide, and comfort us.What a blessing the Holy Ghost is in our lives!  If we but live worthy of it, we can have a member of the Godhead with us! I am so grateful for the comforting power of the Holy Ghost that I've felt so much, often at church.  I want to help others feel that same peace through acting on the teachings of our savior.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Do Mormons Believe About the Trinity?

1 We abelieve in bGod, the Eternal Father, and in His cSon, Jesus Christ, and in the dHoly Ghost. (Article of Faith 1)

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are 3 separate and distinct beings.  It is easy to be confused about the nature of God with all the doctrines that can be found everywhere we look, but we can and should go to God in prayer and faith, and ask Him.  I have done this and have come to know that He is our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ is His son, and the Holy Ghost is united in purpose with them.
Joseph Smith saw God Jesus Christ (See The Restoration)

What is this purpose?
  • '39 For behold, this is my awork and my bglory—to bring to pass the cimmortality and deternal elife of man.' (Moses 1:39 - the Lord speaking to Moses)
  • '3And this is alife beternal, that they might cknow thee the only true dGod, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast esent.' (John 17:3 - the Lord speaking in prayer to God the Father)
    • These two scriptures mean the same thing: the purpose of life is to live eternally with (or 'know') our Father in Heaven.  The Godhead (God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost) are all united in bringing about this purpose.  They do everything they can to help us return and live with our God.
Why do the scriptures say they are 'One,' if they are in fact three separate beings?
  • The scriptures are saying they are one in purpose, methods, objectives etc.  just as a football team strives to become 'one' or united.  In the following scripture reference 'they,' refers to Christs people or believers.
    • 21 That they all may be aone; as thou, bFather, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be cone in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.  (John 17: 21-23)
      •  The Savior is praying that the people will become 'one' in the same way that he and he Father are 'one' - In desires, beliefs, perfection.  He is praying that the people will become a perfect people so they can be united again with God, himself, and the Holy Ghost.
    • 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be aone, even as we are bone:  (John 17: 21-23)
      • He gave us glory (knowledge, his example, doctrine, 'the way') so we could follow it/him.  In this way, when we follow Jesus Christ, we are following Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost because they are all walking the same 'way'.
    • 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made aperfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast bloved them, as thou hast loved me. (John 17: 21-23)
      • God loves us and wants us to perfect ourselves so we can become united and live in His presence again!  We do this through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Are Mormons Christians?

Mormons are Christians.  The name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  If that is not enough to believe that we believe Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer please invite missionaries over to your house, talk to a member who lives near you, or visit one of our chapels for a Sunday service.  We want to share the truth of this gospel with you, so please ask us.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is the Priesthood?

"The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. Through the priesthood God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Through this power He redeems and exalts His children, bringing to pass “the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). God gives priesthood authority to worthy male members of the Church so they can act in His name for the salvation of His children." (See full article on Priesthood)

Jesus Christ used the Priesthood to heal and perform miracles

 And no man taketh this ahonour unto himself, but he that is bcalled of God, as was cAaron.  (Hebrews 5:4)
  18¶And the Lord said unto Moses, Take thee aJoshua the son of bNun, a man in whom is the cspirit, and dlay thine hand upon him;
 19And aset him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight.
 20And thou shalt aput some of thine bhonour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.
22And Moses did as the Lord commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation:
 23And he alaid his bhands upon him, and gave him a ccharge, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses. (Numbers 27)

We see from these Bible verses that throughout time the priesthood has (1) been passed down by the laying on of hands [v. 18, 23] and (2) can not be taken upon oneself without this laying on of hands. Even the Savior had to be ordained or given the priesthood as we find in Hebrews 5:5-6, 10 and Acts 10:42

Jesus Christ ordaining the 12 Apostles

The priesthood authority of God was lost to the Earth after Christ was cricified and his apostles martyred.  For over a thousand years mankind went without this authority until our Heavenly Father saw it was time for it to be restored.  It was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith in the early 1800's and has been passed down by the laying on of hands since.  The priesthood remains in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because it is Christ's church.
Conferring of the priesthood continues today

  I know that these things are true because I have prayed to Heavenly Father about it, searched the scriptures for answers, and done my best to do as He has asked me.  It was in the doing of these things that I found my witness of the truth.  Anyone can follow this same pattern to know for themselves.  Experiment on the word and seek the truth of it.