Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Modern-Day Prophets and Apostles

     This powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon is given by one of the modern-day Apostles that our Heavenly Father has called to help lead and guide His church.  We all have the opportunity to listen to the Prophet and Apostles on Saturday and Sunday of this week (4/9/11) at General Conference. Please do so.  It will be a blessing in your life, I promise.  It will be broadcast to many meetinghouses of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and can also be watched from home if you have the BYU channel.  Click here to find a church building near you.  Most of them will have the conference broadcast to them, but you may want to ask a missionary to make sure for you before you go (click link to talk with a missionary online).  The conference is held in Salt Lake City, Utah. There will be 4 general sessions broadcast, 2 Saturday, and 2 Sunday, at 12(noon) until 2pm (EST) and 4pm to 6pm (EST).  It is also online at Lds.org  This is a great opportunity to hear what Heavenly Father wants us to hear, and reach our full potential.  If we sincerely listen to what these men have to say we can feel the confirmation from the Spirit that they are inspired by God.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What is The Book of Mormon?

   The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is another way that we can all learn about the Savior and, by that learning, see how to become more like Him.  It is important because the more we learn about Jesus Christ, the more we can see what truly leads to happiness.  That is why we need to read scripture "liken[ing] all scripture unto us" (1 Nephi 19:23).  That way we follow Jesus Christ's example toward peace, comfort, and happiness.
  Reading the scriptures is a way we can remember Jesus Christ always.  When we turn away from the troubles and chaos of the world we must turn all the way toward Christ or else we will just be turning away to nothing, and our minds will only be filled with what we just left - and that will only lead back into trouble.  When we turn to Christ we are turning away from trouble permanently because we have His light, and joy to fill our minds and take the place of all the gunk in the world.
  The Book of Mormon is important because if it is true, then Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, Joseph Smith is his revelator and prophet in these last days, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's kingdom once again established on the earth.  Our invitation to everyone is to please read in the book and pray about it, because God will answer your prayer of faith, and you can know for yourself that this is true!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

   There are many reasons for adversity in life, and I'm sure we don't know all of them since God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).  Difficulties in life may be there to remind us to look to God. Many trials in our life are to help us recognize the good in our lives - Like how the spring seams so much better since it is just after the dead cold winter - or how health is so much more pleasing after having been sick for weeks.  He may allow us to endure difficult times in order for us to realize our dependence on Him.  Maybe He is putting us through a Refiner's Fire, so we can work out our impurities. Or perhaps it is just because we all have the power to make choices, and sometimes we are affected adversely by other people's, and our own, choices (Scripture helps).  Those are a few ideas to answer the question of why bad things still happen to good people, but the most important thing to remember is to trust God.  Know that He sees the big picture and knows what's best for us better than we do, because He knows what's coming.
  All we can do is trust in God that we can make it!  That he will always provide us a way to endure, and succeed (1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Nephi 3:7), and when we have done all we can do, and there is more needed, that he will make up the difference.

Are there Prophets Today?

 I know that God has once again called prophets to lead and guide His church.  This knowledge means everything to me because it means that there is a true church that my Heavenly Father wanted me to find. It means that I know now what God want's me to do. It means that now that I am a baptized member of His church I can continue on the path back to Him!
 I know that God is there for all of us and wants us to be happy.  That is His whole goal.
 If there is an all powerful being whose whole purpose is to make us happy, why not give Him a chance to help?  I add my invitation with that Savior's for all to come unto Him, and find out for yourself, as I have, that He is there for you, and will help you overcome every hard thing (1 John 4:14).
 You can know for yourself if this is true by asking God (James 1:5).  If we go to Him in faith, believing that he will answer, He will not hold His blessings back!  We can feel His answer and love for us while we are showing our faith! We show our faith in Him and our true desire for an answer by simply praying sincerely, reading of His word in the scriptures, and attending His church. His answer will come in many wonderful forms (Galatians 5:22).  Most common of all is a wonderful feeling of peace and comfort, and that is only the beginning!
  Please show your faith in God and ask Him if this is true! I promise, from experience, that you will be eternally grateful you did.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What do Mormons believe? - The Gospel is Restored!

   God is our loving heavenly Father and He cares for every person on the earth.  He sent us to earth so we could endure trials and one day return to live with Him again.  He has given us many blessings. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to come to the earth to set up His church, to show us the way, and to sacrifice Himself to make up for the payment that is required when we break the laws of God.  God has given us a way to know for ourselves if He is there and what he wants us to do, and that is prayer.

Jesus is always there for us if we will open the door
  Heavenly Father can and will answer the prayers of His children if we will go to Him humbly, in faith, and willing to act on the answer He gives us.
  God has blessed us with families so we can learn and grow.  He knew that we would come to love our families so He has provided a way for us to be together as a family forever even after we pass on and die.
  Our Father in Heaven has called prophets in every age to show the way to eternal life and happiness.  We see this throughout the bible - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses etc.  He always wants His children to know the way to true and lasting happiness (what perfect Father wouldn't?) Unfortunately people have often chosen to reject the prophets because we all have the ability to choose between right and wrong and sometimes we chose wrong.  Throughout the bible we see a pattern of God calling a prophet and then the people rejecting the truth and falling away from the church, but God loves us so He always calls another prophet to guide His children back to Him.

Noah calling the people unto Christ

  The Saviour Jesus Christ came to the earth to retore the church after the people had rejected the last prophet, He was baptized to show us that we must be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God.

Christ being baptized by John the Baptist

 He set up the church in it's fulness and called 12 apostles.

Jesus Christ Giving the 12 Apostles the Priesthood power of God to lead and guide the church
   To these Apostles He gave priesthood power of God to guide the church and Baptize people for the remission of sins.  The Saviour died for our sins when the people once again rejected God's prophet, and the 12 apostles were also rejected and killed.

The Savior Suffering in Garden of Gethsemene for us

  When the leaders of the church were gone, the power of God to guide the church on the Earth and to baptize was lost, and the people were left without a prophet.  There was a long time called the Great Apostacy which means a large scale falling away from the church and truth.  During this time there were many changes made to the church and it's structure and ordinances, but good people saw that these changes were not in sync with the bible and the teachings of the prophets therein so they started other churches to better conform witht he bible.  Unfortunately these people still did not have the priesthood authority of God, so the church was not established in its fulness and perfection, and what resulted was the many many churches we see today.
   Our Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever so when the time was right he called another prophet in our day and this is his story:

With all these churches around it is easy to wonder which church is true, and that is exactly what a young boy named Joseph Smith came to wonder around 1820 AD.  He was one day reading in the book of James (1:5)and found a scripture that hit him very hard, it said if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god.  He dicided to act on this scripture and go to God with his questions.  He went into a grove of trees one spring morning and knelt down to pray.  He said "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which decended gradually until it fell upon me.  When the light rested upon me, I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all decription, standing above me in the air.  One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other 'This is my Beloved Son, hear Him!'"

God the Father and His son Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith to call another prophet to restore His church once again to the earth.  We can know this is true by paying attention to how we feel when we pray, read the Book of Mormon, and go to church.  The Holy Ghost will testify to our hearts that what we are doing is right. I know this is true because I have felt the Holy Ghost in my life through a peaceful feeling in my heart and comfort to my racing mind.  I am a missionary for Jesus Christ and His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, because I know that this really happened, and I know it can and will bless the lives off all those who are willing to test it's validity through praying sincerely, reading The Book of Mormon, and going to church.

The Book of Mormon is Another testament of Jesus Christ, God knew that the bible would not be perfect after it had been through many translations, and many years without his Priesthood authority on the earth so he gave us another record and we invite all people to read it and ponder it's message, that Jesus is the Christ and His church is once again restored to the Earth!

We can pray to know for ourselves if all this is true.  As missionaries we don't want to convince people of ourselves that this is true. We want everyone to know from God that this is true, because through Jesus Christ is the only way to true and lasting happiness.

Friday, March 11, 2011

'Mormon' Missionaries!

Our purpose as missionaries is to invite everyone to come unto Christ! It's an amazing opportunity to help people get help and happiness from our Savior.  I know by my own experience through prayer that the gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone and everyone who is willing to come unto Him through Faith on his name (believing the Savior is the Son of God and acting on that belief James 1:5, 2),

The resurrected Savior exiting the tomb after 3 days
Repentance (Making the neccessary changes in our lives to become more like Him),

Savior paying the price for our sins

Baptism (John 3:5) for the remission of sins (we can have all the mistakes we've made in our past washed away because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us)

Savior being baptized by Priesthood power by John the Baptist

by someone holding the priesthood authority of God (Hebrews 5:4 - The Priesthood is restored! A Prophet is called of God today!),

Savior using Priesthood power to Heal a blind man

recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost (After baptism we can have the spirit of God with us to guide us and help us make correct choices - Galatians 5:22-23), and enduring to the end (We must continue to do our best to do God's will, continually repenting and making changes in our life for the better with His help)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What do LDS people or Mormons believe?

We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. (Acts 7:55-56, 3 Nephi 11:7)

We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression. (1 Cor. 15:21-22, Alma 42)

We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. (James 2: 17-18, 1 Nephi 15:30-33)

We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. (John 3:5, Ephesians 4:5, 3 Nephi 27: 13-22)

We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. (Hebrews 5:4, Exodus 40:13-15, Alma 13:1-19)

We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. (Ephesians 4:11-14, Moroni 3)

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God (Title page of The Book of Mormon)

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. (Title page of The Book of Mormon)

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anyting virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. (Matthew 25:40, 3 Nephi 27:27)

(from The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Free Gospel DVDs and copies of The Book of Mormon!!!

Go to mormon.org and you can order free DVDs and gospel related things.  Have a Missionary bring it by so they can answer any questions personally! Everyone likes Free stuff and this free stuff is the best because it can help you get on the path to become closer to God which path makes us free.

Chat with a Mormon Missionary

You can get questions answered by a Mormon Missionary today right now at mormon.org where you can chat online with a learned scriptorian and ask any questions you have about God our Heavenly father, and His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost and the church of Jesus Christ that has been restored by a prophet called of God in these days.

For more...

mormon.org  AND lds.org