Thursday, October 6, 2011

On the Edge

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...
What was he doing there?!

I can only assume that dear old Humpty thought he would have more fun if he could be playing on the wall.  He probably thought so much about all the sites he could see, and fun he could have that he forgot the eternal perspective.  I forget sometimes too.  Sometimes I feel like having ice cream for dinner... and then I do.  Not thinking ahead opens the way for problems.  If only Mr. Dumpty would have thought about how fragile he was, and how putting his shell so far above the ground opened the way for a major spoiling. 

Let's learn from his experience and try to remember what will be important for eternity.  Like our families, friends, neighbors, and especially our Father in Heaven.  Real joy and happiness lies in putting these first.  I'm sure H.D. would agree.  I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and will save us from our falls.  We just need to stop scrambing up walls.

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